Students engagement
The D-DUST project places itself within the UN Sustainable Development Goals framework, focused on an action plan for people, for the planet and its prosperity. The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development foresees 17 goals and 169 targets with the aim of ending all forms of poverty, hunger, fighting inequalities, promoting the sustainable management of resources and the economic and social development. D-DUST will deal with Sustainable Development Goals:
- 3.9 >> “By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination”
- 11.6 >>“By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management”
- 12.2 >> “By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources”
According to the objectives, expected outcomes fall into two interconnected domains which are respectively the scientific and the society/policy-making domains. To that end, the project will not only take care of disseminating research outcomes towards stakeholders and citizens but will leverage on the interactions between researchers and civil society along all the project lifetime in order to achieve a broader effect and to extend its impact.
– Inquire into best suitable satellite remote sensing missions delivering air pollutant observations as open-data to support farming-related PM monitoring and analysis in the Lombardy Region.
Agricultural college students are on the main targets of the project, since they represent future operators of the sector and it is of utmost importance to enhance their perception and knowledge about the impacts on air pollution of agricultural and farming activities. Project activities involving agricultural colleges include workshops as well as training sessions focused on pollutants measurements.
Have joined the project:
Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale “A.Tosi” – Codogno, Lodi
Istituto Tecnico Agrario “G.Bonfantini” – Novara
Istituto Agrario Statale “Gaetano Cantoni” – Treviglio, Bergamo